M. Bester, B. Roberts, M. Lewis, J. Thorsness, G. Picard, S. Frey, D. Cosgrove, J. Marchese, A. Burgart, and W. Craig (2014), Collision Avoidance Operations in a Multi-Mission Environment, Proc. 2014 SpaceOps Conference, Pasadena, California, May 5-9, 2014, Paper AIAA-2014-1745, DOI: 10.2514/6.2014-1745
Frey, S., V. Angelopoulos, M. Bester, May 2014 Innovative THEMIS Extended Mission Design and Implementation to Achieve Cross-Scale Magnetospheric Constellation. (ISSFD)
S. Frey, M. Bester, and V. Angelopoulos, Innovative THEMIS Extended Mission Design and Implementation to Achieve Cross-Scale Magnetospheric Constellation, Proc. 24th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Laurel, Maryland, May 5-9, 2014