
Data Descriptions

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EFI Level 2 Data Processing History

This web page contains significant dates for changes in the software and mastercdfs that are used to create THEMIS Level 2 data files for the EFI (Electric Field Instrument) data. Dates for reprocessing of EFI L2 files are included.

Files thx_l2_efi_yyyymmdd_v01.cdf (where x = a,b,c,d or e):

Processing  Comments
2010-04-30:  Estimated First release.
2010-07-22:  Reprocessed full mission for EFI, ESA, FGM, FIT, MOM, and SCM; changed all L2 time formats to f12.8 (from e13.6, e19.12, and f12.2 in various files) and added solarwind mode flags to ESA and MOM files. Also implemented new calibration data for FGM.
2012-09-05:  Reprocessed EFI L2 files for probes, A, D, E, after 2010-12-01, to correct a small timing error in 8 ksps AC-coupled mode.
2017-04-18 to 2017-05-04:   Reprocessed FGM, FIT, MOM, ESA, SST and EFI L2 files for all probes for the full mission with new magnetic field calibration data.



Link to the EFI Data Variable Descriptions     Link to EFI Instrument Information