
Data Descriptions

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MOM Level 2 Data Processing History

This web page contains significant dates for changes in the software and mastercdfs that are used to create THEMIS Level 2 data files for the MOM (On-board moment) data. Dates for reprocessing of MOM L2 files are included.

Files thx_l2_mom_yyyymmdd_v01.cdf (where x = a,b,c,d or e):

Processing   Comments
2008-04-18:   Full L2 reprocessing for TDAS version 4.00 QA. Initial version of MOM L2 files.
2008-05-20:  Boom deployment checks added, also MOM files are not to be processed for times for which calibration data is not available (prior to 2007-08-02 for THEMIS-A, prior to 2007-08-10 for the other probes).
2008-11-04:  Reprocessed all L2 files to add software version number.
2009-07-01:  Added data quality flags to MOM L2 files, reprocessed all probes, full-mission. First SPDF release.
2010-02-27:  Reprocessed ESA, MOM, FIT, and FGM L2 files, due to new FGM calibrations, and new V03 L1 STATE data. No changes in variables or file format.
2010-04-21:  Reprocessed ESA, MOM, and FIT L2 files, due to new FGM calibrations, and new V03 L1 STATE data. No changes in variables or file format.
2010-05-18:  Reprocessed THB (post 24-Jul-2009), THC (post 13-apr-2010) L2 files in response to filled data gaps from L0/L1 processing.
2010-07-22:  Reprocessed full mission for EFI, ESA, FGM, FIT, MOM, and SCM; changed all L2 time formats to f12.8 (from e13.6, e19.12, and f12.2 in various files) and added solarwind mode flags to ESA and MOM files. Also implemented new calibration data for FGM.
2010-09-13:  Reprocessed full mission for ESA, MOM; corrected solarwind mode flags.
2010-10-29:  Reprocessed ESA, MOM for dates after 2010-10-04; fixed bug in SC potential scale factor.
2011-01-07:  Reprocessed full mission for ESA, FBK, FGM, FFT, FIT, MOM, SCM, and SST; to correct for data gaps at day boundaries caused by time clipping in load routines.
2010-06-21:  Reprocessed ESA and MOM full mission, all probes, to remove solarwind flag entries with nearly-duplicate time tags.
2015-01-05:  Reprocessed ESA and MOM L2 files for all probes, from 2007-03-07 to 2015-01-01 to add dead time corrections to on-board and ground processed ESA moments.
2017-04-18 to 2017-05-04:   Reprocessed FGM, FIT, MOM, ESA, SST and EFI L2 files for all probes for the full mission with new magnetic field calibration data.


Link to the MOM Data Variable Descriptions     Link to ESA Instrument Information
Link to L2 MOM Data Quality Flags Description