<<View 2017 THEMIS Nuggets |

Magnetosheath Propagation Times for Solar Wind Directional Discontinuities
How much time is required for a solar wind directional discontinuity to cross the dayside magnetosheath? Read more.

Effect of large-scale convection on evolution of plasma sheet plasma bubble: RCM simulations
We present RCM simulations to show how the evolution of a plasma sheet bubble starting from different initial MLT locations in the tail is affected by the background large-scale convection. Read more.

Impacts of Magnetosheath High-Speed Jets on the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere Measured by Optical Imaging and Satellite Observations
We show that magnetosheath high-speed jets (HSJs) can have substantial impacts on the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system, causing localized magnetospheric compression and auroral brightening, similar to responses during interplanetary shocks but on a smaller scale. Read more.

A case study of near-Earth magnetotail conditions at substorm and pseudosubstorm onsets
A pseudosubstorm, also called pseudobreakup, is an auroral phenomenon very similar to a substorm but essentially differs in absence of active auroral expansion. We examine conditions of the magnetotail at the beginning of these auroral phenomena using spacecraft observations, which can yield clues to substorm triggering and development mechanisms. Read more.

Magnetospheric convection in a twisted magnetotail
Under the influence of a nonzero dawn-dusk interplanetary magnetic field, the Earth’s magnetotail can get twisted. We investigate tail convection during a time interval exhibiting such a tail configuration. Read more.

Seasonal control of the reconnection line location on the Earth’s dayside magnetopause
10 years of THEMIS observations were used to investigate the average location of magnetic reconnection on the Earth’s dayside boundary between the Earth’s magnetic field and the solar wind, called the magnetopause. The statistical study shows that the average location of magnetopause reconnection has a seasonal dependence. Read more.

Multipoint observations of nightside plasmaspheric hiss generated by substorm-injected electrons
The coordinated observations of RBSP, GOES and THEMIS missions demonstrate that the substorm injected electrons can drift into the nightside outer plasmasphere and excite the large-amplitude hiss waves. Read more.

The unprecedented coverage provided by white light THEMIS all-sky imagers and the Redline Emission Geospace Observatory (REGO) dataset enabled us to understand the geomagnetic conditions when STEVE is formed and the optical features of its structure. Read more.